While I am working on my Master Thesis on KPIs against biases in a Machine Learning process, I attended the AI week in Brussels.
It was nice to enjoy innovation and discoveries again, it felt like when we were expanding the web at the beginning of the 2000ies.
Here are my takeaways of the week.
AI norms and laws are being created, and EU citizens are welcome to take part in the process.
- WG
- Federal chatbot
We don’t know how to counterpart AI biases, besides educating citizens to it.
- Fari Academy
- Destination AI on Openclassroom
- AI4Belgium’s Assessment tool
« Citizens need public institutions to get in. »
- This was said, but no evidence was ever given. Worse: AI bad answers would be covered up by « disclaimers ». This is not morally acceptable. This is consultant BS.
- Study on AI accessibillity
- AI is interesting only in a high data quality framework. Which big data is not.
AI is developping really really fast in a blackbox, and it’s worrying: read more