Marina Aubert

Senior Data Consultant

Belgacom 2009-2012

Data analyst for Belgacom and Proximus websites

My team had to enhance SEO content through copywriting, and make recommendations to the Belgacom internal webmastering team.

From my team’s data collection, I cleaned the data and ensured data accuracy and integrity.
I conducted exploratory data analysis to identify patterns and trends for further investigation.
I developed data visualizations using Excel to present findings to client team members.
I collaborated with team members to streamline data collection and reporting processes.

In short

  • created a business case from stakeholders needs
  • selected an auditing tool for KPI and work priorities
  • organized work amongst my team
  • periodic reporting with KPIs and recommendations to stakeholders


  • 1200 keywords analyzed towards 29 competitors, for 707 products segments
  • 145 pages optimized
  • Average ranking gain for optimized pages: +24,96

Need a digital strategy? Just contact me

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